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Monday, April 25, 2005

class outing

okay so after all that rallying for Pot Luck Picnic at The Botanical Gardens(sorry adrea hurhur thanks for the support tho!), most people opt for the bbq n movie thingy(excellent suggestion from CANDICE!). the results were quite even, but most of those who are confirmed coming wld rather the latter. aand somebody (wassit xun? or kiattat) suggested a HYBRID of both! yes so it'll be lyk mebe movies in the afternoon then bbq aand more movies/games/sit around n talk/blahblah! and we can still have potluck--a JUNKFOOD potluck! hur. sounds nice? i think it does:D

ok so now does anybody wana volunteer a house? rest assured the a&w reps will stay back (til midnight, even) to help u clean up after the partaay.

ps I will go examine the class list to see who lives in nice houses or condos mwarhar.


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