Welcome to the retro-themed class blog of 05S70! Undoubtedly the most full of enthusiasm, spirit and verve! C'mon feel the groove and shake your body with us!

Monday, January 30, 2006


omg this is damn lag but i couldn't believe that 06s70 (or 'u guys' if any of u are reading this) actually COOKED all that stuff for JTS! it wasn't just the quantity tt was amazing but the QUALITY of it as well - tons of exotic food even!! my god i need to learn from the juniors before my mum flies off again and i have to live on my own lousy cooking or ke ai ji. and of course most importantly it was the EFFORT dedicated to what other classes would deem an irritating warlao-why-must-treat-seniors tradition that's worth scrapping - you guys/06s70's THE BEST!! now we (the seniors) must also think of some way to match u guys already man..hahah. eh! should we invite 06S70 pple to this blog? or do they have a separate one?

but ya anyway - happy chinese new year!

and i thought of something lame..gracia's our really zai motherly figure in class cos she can do things like sew my bag/shoes when i make holes in them (hehe)..and then there was Memoirs of a Geisha which sounded like Memoirs of a Gracia when someone first said it. NOT HINTING ANYTHING! :P


Blogger smer said...

oh, i asked erik. he said they're gonna do a class blog real soon!! I cant wait till they do! He said they have other ideas too hahahahahahah!
yupp, i think " qing chu yu lan sheng yu lan!" we should be glad that S70 is getting better and better!

11:20 PM


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