Welcome to the retro-themed class blog of 05S70! Undoubtedly the most full of enthusiasm, spirit and verve! C'mon feel the groove and shake your body with us!

Sunday, February 19, 2006


yuqin you forgot ronald! he's in our jnr class and he did the spotlights!

i can't believe it's over. once in a while my mind keeps drifting to the play, to certain scenes, to lilin doing her 'soon he'll be gone permanently', or eric and his stroking of the tray, or yeechien and her wailing or erik and his chorale scene, or cass and her ultra moving scene. or even just to writing the script, or dumb practices where we did anything but practice.

calvin! everyone loved the script! you are a bloody genius. the whole structure of the play, the flashback, the idea of the changing colours for each account, the moving doors, the eerie physical play scenes, the spotlight, the whole bloody play! i cannot imagine how you came up with it. reading kenneth's blog, and his analysis of the play, i too am truly amazed at your genius. the play and it's basic form was shaped by you. i hope everyone realises that though i was director by name, calvin pretty much formed the script and came up with all the critically brilliant ideas. he's just modest enough to not say anything about it.

alice! everyone loved the chorale! (except my boring father haha) but seriously, it's what stood out. and you just made it so so effective. you guys (you and calvin) are really really talented. and to see the work you've done with the chorale, choreographing everything, coming up with the lines and all, it was just brilliant.

yuqin! the props! haha. oh my goodness. calvin and i have agreed that we left the props dept to a totally competent, totally amazing crew. i don't have kenneth's vocab range but the doors, the money, everything was SO real. the doors were a masterpiece. you and kenneth did really really well. and calvin said that we had so little to worry about because every department was so competent. (like you and props and zhouhao and lights) and i absolutely agree.

haha jiaqi slacker! haha no but seriously, where did you get cass' fireman suit from? wardrobe dept!! hahaha ok i dont want to say anything about you here! :P

and to our jnr class. ronald lights! SPOTLIGHTS i might add. without whom the play wouldn't be the same. SHADOW SHADOW. yes everyone felt the lights were really good! thank you for doing such a brilliant job!

YEE CHIEN AND ERIK! my lovelies! amazing both of you. really really. i hope you guys know how proud i am of you guys! :) well done. really. well done. your section is too short because i'm simply lost for words. everytime i think about you guys i start smiling because you did so well. and i just don't know how to congratulate you guys enough. my little stars!

to xun and sua who came down and fine-tuned our chang chang segment. thank you for bothering to stay back and for putting in the effort to help sharpen the play. i really really really appreciate it! :) sua's experienced thespian mind and his critical comments were really helpful and xun haha. what can i say. the crowd loved the cymbals!

to wenqiang who joined us later on and helped with makeup, with the chorale, for making an effort to join us. thank you too! :)

to everyone else who supported us in one way or another, be it coming down to watch the play or by giving words of encouragement, THANK YOU!!

70 rocks!!!


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